Thursday, January 19, 2017

Back to Class

We started full-time schooling at home again on January 9th and JT's college classes started on the 17th. Less than 70 days remain until we have met our required 180 of schooling for this year. Time has really been flying, probably because more and more of JT's school is outsourced and EM is mostly independent in his work.

I mentioned in a previous post that I was going to try out Amazon's textbook rental this semester. We purchased the music appreciation book used, because I figured JT would want to keep it for future use, but rented the other two. First day of speech class his instructor tells the students, "The school doesn't want me to tell you not to buy the book, but, don't buy the book." Thanks. At least I didn't buy it. After he goes to his first WWII class, and we find out if he needs that book, I'll be deciding if I'm shipping one or both back for a full refund. Thankfully, Amazon has that option if we do it within 30 days of receiving them.

At home we have been continuing our study of American history, now reading a book about the Persian Gulf War together. When we have finished it, we will move on to Bill Clinton's presidency. I think if we keep our pace at what it has been, we will reach current day in America by the time JT graduates. Hopefully the boys will keep up their study of current events when their years of learning with me have finished. I know that I have learned so many things I did not know over the span of our studies. Today I told JT, "You do realize that you probably know more history than most adults in America, right?" He was surprised by that.

This week I also registered him to take the SAT in June. Now we just need to figure out how to link his results from the PSAT with Khan Academy so he can get customized practice problems.

In the next few weeks, JT will wrap up his study of geography for the year and move on to spending more time learning to use software to transcribe his music compositions. In order to get an A in music composition this year, I expect three of his original songs to be in written format, playable by someone other than himself, by the end of the school year. Once he learns how to use the software, he should be able to meet that goal and share his music with others. Finally I feel like we are working on a skill that will be useful for his plans for his future!

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